what part of the car does the law require you to keep in good condition?
Blog Driving Test MCQs Test

What part of the car does the law require you to keep in good condition?

A: The seat belts B: The gearbox C: The door locks D: The transmission asdf Show Answer The answer is A: The seat belts. Understanding the Legal Requirements for Car Maintenance Why Does the Law Enforce Car Maintenance? Car maintenance laws are enforced to ensure public safety, reduce accidents, and protect the environment. Vehicles in […]

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MCQs Test Driving Test

What part of the car does the law require you to keep in good condition?

A: Gears B: Seat belts C: Door locks D: Transmission asdf Show Answer The answer is B: Seat belts. Introduction Why Vehicle Maintenance is a Legal Responsibility Vehicle maintenance is more than just a routine task; it’s a critical responsibility for every car owner. Ensuring that your vehicle is roadworthy helps protect you, your passengers, […]

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